Sorry BrownStone Cascade Mt Mazama - aka Bramble, but it was again in the 90's and a good friend came by for morning coffee and loaned me the book Little Bee by Chris Cleave. The book has totally captured me. I laid reading in the shaded hammock all day. Now it is too late to do justice to Bramble's birthday tribute but never fear, tomorrow, I promise to publish it.
My hammock is by the pond. Throughout the day the dogs and I took frequent swims to cool off. I tried to catch a picture of the skewed expression and water flying off McKenzie as she shook off but obviously needed a different camera setting - another photographic challenge to learn.
The dogs have finished off all the raspberries and strawberries and are making huge inroads on the blueberry bushes. The apples, plumbs and pears aren't ripe yet but are still considered a treat worth working for.
This is the first year the dogs have actually picked the fruit. Deer do stand on hind legs and bat fruit down to the fawns and over the years they have grazed the branches out of reach of the dogs. Last night's batting and today's strong winds caused a couple fruit laden branches to hang just low enough for the dogs to give picking a go.
Even Cedar got in on the action. Old McKenzie just waits below until one of the others drops something for her to run away with.
Last summer this was the enclosed puppy play area. Trask and his litter mates feasted on fruit dropping from heaven into their puppy play yard.
A year later he has figured out how to harvest for himself.
The poo will be buzzing with fruit flies in the morning.
As I was just typing, the funniest, muffled wolf howl came from the dog couch. Trask had fallen asleep with a soft toy in his mouth and was howling in his sleep.My laughing and his howling got the others really excited. Their voices joined in. Trask awoke but never did drop his toy making for a really funny sounding, prolonged chorus. The windows are open. I am sure neighbors outside sipping cocktails in the warm evening air will have tales to tell at work tomorrow of Bigfoot or coyotes in their woods.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Happy First Brithday Liaka
"PR" BrownStone Cascade Mt. Koma
Koma (Mt.Baker, Ms Yellow) is now a lucky beach girl named Liaka. She was 14oz when whelped.By 4 weeks only brother Wy'east out-weighed 5lb 4oz Koma.
By 8 weeks Koma was stunning. Her beautiful looks and spectacular movement impressed everyone, including the AKC judges I hired to evaluate the litter.
Koma is now Liaka and was named after the first dog in space.
Like all the puppies in this litter, Liaka has gone through several ear sets during her first year. At 9 weeks, she wore a really cute helicopter ears to puppy class.
Halloween saw a bewitching forward set.
Christmas Liaka's head was festooned with one ear forward and one to the side.
In March she showed her inherent Chinook love of snow (and a reversal of ear set).
"We were at
Mammoth Lakes this past week. Laika loved the snow and frolicked in it
constantly. I have skijoring equipment which we brought with us, but I am
relearning cross country skiing (last done almost 35 years ago), and I was not
confident that I could control Laika and ski at the same time. We will continue
treking to Mammoth in the future and I hope to master Skijoring with Laika
eventually. By the way, there were several skijorers on the trail with their
dogs each day that I was in the cross country venues".
Liaka at 9 months playing at a the dog park
At 11 months Liaka's owner wrote: "We just returned from Mammoth Lakes last evening and I wanted to send you a
few of the photos of Laika that we took there. She is still a bit apprehensive
of the water - fresh water this time - but as you can see loves playing in it.
At here last weigh in she was 58.6 lbs; that was three weeks ago.
We began classes in Therapy Dog training last week. The organization is
"Love Heels"; Patricia Dibsie trains at Nazareth House, a retirement home and
health center. We shall see how Laika does.
Skijoring will have to wait until cross country ski season, but I am hoping
to get her involved in that sport next winter."
Liaka greeting a new comer at her dog park birthday party.Monday, July 28, 2014
Happy First Birthday Luca
"PR" BrownStone Cascade Mt. Klah
Klah (Three Sisters, Ms. Purple) was whelped a 12oz stunning beauty.By 4 weeks old she weighed 4lb 8oz and...
had won everyone's hearts.
At 8 weeks old there was no question that she was "first pick" female. She had beauty, movement and personality that really impressed the evaluating judges.
Klah, now Luca moved to Colorado and took first place in her first AKC show at 3 1/2 months. (Sorry, I did manage to import the picture but could not make any of my programs turn it upright then export it to blogspot.)
Luca at 4 months with one up ear experiencing her first snow.
Luca with up ears testing her backpack at 5 months.
At 6 months showing off her helicopter ears and fast, agile self...
and learning to pull.
Luca's ears decided to go up at 6 1/2 months.
Luca went to her first dogsled race at 7 months.
Hanging with her normal pose at 8 months.
Guarding the hen house at 10 months.
Luca an 11 month old lap dog with a Nook tongue.
Blue and Purple ribbons from her second dog show at 12 months. Her ears seem to have settled into a helicopter set.
For this blog, Luca's family wrote:
behaviors: Luca howls in her sleep often and we have yet to be quick enough
to capture it on video. We thought we
had a serious digger on our hands for awhile, although once her digging
companion moved out of state, the digging stopped. She can be a little shy with strangers and children, especially
if not properly introduced, and she is very sensitive to body language and tone
of voice. We call her “the kissing
bandit”, as her tongue is always at-the-ready for anyone within reach of
it. We hear that all of these behaviors
are common in the Chinook breed.
Titles: None. Luca has
participated in two UKC shows. She had
a practice run in Castle Rock, CO last November as a Novice Puppy, and again in
Longmont, CO on July 20 in the Puppy Class.
She shared the ring with Moonshadow from Laughing Mountain and three of
the Schillers’ Mountain Thunder Chinooks:
Scarlet, Terra and Bear. It
became immediately apparent that we have a lot to learn about showing. Luca did well enough, however, and more
importantly seemed to enjoy the whole experience despite her inexperienced
handler. So, next is some conformation
training to help us with our handling skills and to help her get more
comfortable. We are also entertaining
the idea of getting her into agility training as she seems to enjoy navigating
the makeshift obstacles we set up in the yard.
We’ll see.
Sweet and
Affectionate: She is such a joyful pup and she brings so
much joy to our lives. Her name means
“bringer of light” and morning is her best time of day, which is fitting. She is a cuddly, snuggly, huggable bundle of
love. We wake up every morning to find
her asleep on our bed, lying on her back, nestled against one of us. When either of us emerges from the bathroom
after showering, she celebrates by picking up one of her toys and bringing it
to us to look at, but not take.
She wiggles the entire time, her hips swinging to the left and right, and
that tail never stops wagging. We don’t
know if she is simply happy to see us again or is trying to say, “thank
goodness you made it out of there alive!”
She celebrates similarly whenever either of us returns home from being
gone for any length of time.
People- and
Dog-friendly: Luca likes people and LOVES dogs. She also likes her five chickens and one
rooster, and helps us herd them back to their coop after their daily forays
into the yard. “Barr” is her best
chicken friend (a Barred Plymouth Rock) and Mojo is NOT her best rooster
friend, although she has recently begun trying to engage him in play. He doesn’t play and he doesn’t find her
nearly as adorable as we do…
Active/Playful: During her
first few months with us, we let her spend supervised time with Otter and then
we had to put him away for safe-keeping.
As that was her first toy, we wanted to preserve it and she was on track
to love Otter to death. She now has
many favorite indoor toys, most of which are stuffed animals: Fox, Squirrel, and
Elephant. She enjoys walking on our
treadmill and often sits on it and whines until someone gets it going for
her. Her favorite outdoor toy: a
yellow, 5-foot nylon rope that is her special reward after training sessions
and off-leash walks, as well as on low-activity days when a little fun between
naps is in order. We swing the rope
around and she chases it until she catches it – then it’s a game of
tug-o-war. She loves water and as we
don’t have a natural body of water on our property, we keep a baby pool filled
for her to play in. She puts her face
all the way in to get treats off the bottom of it and sometimes just dunks her
entire face for the heck of it. In the winter, we attach a rider-less
sledding saucer to her harness so she can satisfy her need to pull. If there is no snow, she pulls it across the
grass. Whether she will ever pull a big
sled like her brother Trask and other littermates remains to be seen due to her
size. If she doesn’t get to do that,
she will still get to pull her sledding saucer and perhaps we’ll give
bikejoring a try.
Traveler - Luca is a dog we can take
just about anywhere, and we do. Since
her September 2013 plane ride to Colorado from her first home in Eugene, Oregon
- during which she never made a peep and no one knew there was a puppy in the
cabin - she has been on one multi-state road trip from Colorado to Washington,
the national parks of southwestern Utah, and the Grand Canyon. Everyone she meets comments on how sweet and
well-behaved she is. She is the perfect
dog for us and we love her dearly.
Thank you for entrusting her life to us and know that we are committed
to her, for life. Otter sharing a 1 year post birthday celebration with 43 lb Luca .
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Happy First Birthday Alaka'i
"PR" BrownStone Cascade Mt. Karuk
Karuk (Mt. Shasta, Mr. Green) is now Alaka'i - which means something fitting in Hawaiian - was whelped quite dramatically between the front and back seat of the van on the way home from the vet. Fortunately Karmin was in the back seat and able to catch him when he came flying out as Koyuk jumped to be with me in the front seat. Unfortunately we were not prepared for a whelping and there was no place to pull over, so slippery Karuk and his placenta were placed in the warming box with his sister and brothers to ride the last mile.(If I haven't said how wonderful Karmin is, I do need to. She is a teen girl. This was her first whelping and thus far she had caught fraternal twins while I was across the room with Wy'east and with nothing more than an: "oh, Kay Lee we have another puppy", dealt with a birth in a moving car. She stayed for all the births and came over to help with all the weigh-ins and milestone pictures. I could not have whelped this litter without her. And past about week two, would not have had the pictures).
Alaka'i (nickname Ka'i) weighed 11 oz when we got him back to the whelping box.
By week 4 he was 4 lb 14 oz. Maybe Alaka'i means "stout and determined" in Hawaiian.
Or maybe Alaka'i means "super adorable or inquisitive" in Hawaiian. The vet was enamored.
By 8 weeks he was inquisitive, stout, adorable, and determined all wrapped up in one boy. (Can't say that for his porcupine.)
Alaka'i went to live with the most creative and fun forever family (who send me great pictures with fun captions). His beach beach play ground wore him out daily at three months.
Alaka'i had already spent weeks camping up and down the west coast by 3 1/2 months old.
With high 5's he passed his AKC STARS test at 4 months.
Alaka'i and porcupine at 4 months.
At 4 1/2 months he was in his first dog show and won Best of Breed.
At Christmas "Ka'i had heard that reindeer could fly and thought he would give it a try".
In February I received this picture with: "Beginning "Human Wrangling" A.K.A. "Obedience Class" is in the bag and got a pretty ribbon to prove it! Onwards to learning intermediate level treat appropriation methods and more cookies!"
In March Nari wrote: "I am amazed and grateful on a daily basis for how happy-go-lucky Alaka'i is. He is now wearing an e-collar to stop him from licking his skin rash (vet guesses from an environmental allergen) and though I know he is itchy, irritated, afraid, and disoriented by the cone, he seems to be making the best of it. After circling with the cone on for a few minutes, he realized people were ooh-ing and aw-ing even more. As if realizing the cone gave him extra cuteness power he started giving everyone kisses and tail wags until we walked out the door. Love this guy".
Ka'i at 8 months.
Alaka'i at 9 months. Celebratin' 9 months of lickin', chewin', and tail waggin' with my trusty porcupine pal and lots of fresh-outta-the-oven turkey jerky! Sending love to the BrownStone Cascade family!"
In April Nari wrote: "EARmotional" I was describing the many ways Ka'i carries his ears depending on his mood. To this Justin replied "he's just ear-motional." Love it. I think this is my new favorite Chinook word".
In May Nari captioned this picture with: "Trying to feign enthusiasm for "Sit-Stay" when all he wants to do is keep running. Love his goofy, pre-drool, treat-begging grins".
This picture came titled with: "Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." - Maya Angelou
June found Alaka'i out socializing. "Why won't she play with me-eee-eee?!" Despite the attempted licking, play-bowing, and whining, Ka'i just can't get this cat to budge. Disappointed Doggie".
Yup, Nari and Alaka'i have a great time.
"Happy Tongue Out Tuesday!"
For a year summation Nari wrote: "We are still working towards earning a CGC.
I'm trying to convince him that "sit-stay" is more fun that "jump-play." It's a
hard sell but we're getting there. Our trainers reassure me that they see a
difference with each passing class. Even after the CGC we'll continue on with
obedience training. I've decided to wait on re-entering conformation workshops
and shows until he is calm enough around other dogs to safely walk the ring. He has a great
personality and is a social butterfly, but that doesn't seem to translate well
to conformation practice. We haven't given up though! Should Alaka'i ever lose
interest in every bug, rock, or leaf on the ground, I think he would be great at
rally competition! He is smart and responds very quickly. We'd like to try a
rally competition within the next year (or so). We love hiking with Alaka'i so
we'll start working towards a pack dog certification as well. Other than that
Best of Breed we won at the AKC 4-6 month puppy show, we have not tried entering
any other shows. He has earned many titles and nicknames around our house, some
of which are: Sir Sniffs-a-Lot, Crazy Ka'i, Whiny McWhinerson, Marky Mark,
Hungry Hungry Hippo, and Dirty Dawg. I'm certain he thinks that "Leave It" is
his name as well.
Admittedly I have become one of those people who
thinks that every story about my dog is the greatest thing EVER.. If I could summarize the
past year with Alaka'i in a word, it would be "compromise." One of the funnier
compromises is that we no longer shut the bathroom door, but he must patiently
wait at a polite distance. Haha. Instead of poking his nose into our shower
while we bathe, we have him bring us a pile of his toys and we will play fetch
as soon as we're done. Alaka'i would wake us up with frantic cries at the crack of dawn
and run crazy circles trying to give us a morning tongue bath. If he
is willing to wait quietly until the alarm goes off, the absolute first thing we
do is give him 5 minutes of morning cuddle and belly rub time before leaving the
bedroom. No exceptions. Who can complain about starting their day with puppy
snuggle time!?! I can't remember what life was like before Ka'i cuddles, but it
has replaced coffee (gasp!) as my morning pick-me-up. I have never had/met a dog
like Alaka'i who responds to things in such a clever and sensitive way. It seems
as if the more freedom we give him, the more positively he responds. Alaka'i reminds us to be more attentive, present in the here
and now, and to follow our instincts rather than trying to follow a rule book.
He, like us, is just a happy goofball, often going against the tide, and we love
him all the more because of it!"
Happy Birthday you handsome, 66.7 lb, boy!