Friday, March 5, 2010

The Den

Without her beautiful whelping box, Cedar is making due by creating dens. Yesterday she got stuck in a hole under the stairs in the garage. This was a favorite den of McKenzie's but since her last litter we have added a refrigerator in front of the space. I don't know how Cedar got in there. I was glad to have spotted her trying to get out and that I only had to move the dog sled to free her. My dogs don't bark to let you know where they are. Instead they wait silently for you to find them.

Today Cedar decided the perennial beds I was weeding might be a place for a den. Either that or she wanted to help me dig. She was quickly dispatched elsewhere. Her next location proved to be much easier to dig in than to make an adequate den. While McKenzie and Willy were gaily scenting themselves with their favorite odor-d'-deerpoop, Cedar rearranged the chip bark pile several times in her attempts to manufacture a secure roof.