Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 50 - Week 7

Here is how Ms Willow greeted me this morning.
She has the climbing thing down pat.
The Ludwigs came for another visit. McKenzie is just a tongue with a dog attached. To her sitting at nose height is an invitation for a 'Nookie".
Alexander, on a visit from Germany, was another BrownStone visitor today. He thought his grandfather was just taking him to a fishing hole. The puppies were a big surprise. Being a 5 year old, he was immediately inside the x-pen. He did not catch any fish but did have a great time chasing the pups about the yard.
Three year old Anna is bi-lingual, German and English. I invited her over to interpret for Alexander and play with the puppies. She too, got to try her hand at fishing.
Rounding up the puppies is a multi-person task.
The puppies crashed after everyone left.
Exhausted pups make for easy pictures, if you can get them to sit up.
Ms Willow - 7 weeks old
Ms Takotna - 7 weeks old
Mr Kaltag - 7 weeks old
Ms Koyuk - 7 weeks old
Ms Elim - 7 weeks old
Mr Nome - 7 weeks old
good night