Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 52 - Shots and Vet exam

This morning Cedar and the pups were again loaded into the van. This time the trip was to the vet. I had plans of taking lots of pictures but once the pups discovered the controls and wiring for the exam table, not only were they making it go up and down they wanted to play tug with the electrical cord. I ended up on the floor as a body blockade and could only stand up for one quick shot of each pup as it was examined.
new surface for the day - vet office linoleum
Not a shy pup in the bunch.
Dr. Smalley thinks she has the best job in the world.
Ms Willow - pink - 10.5 lbs
Ms Takotna - yellow - 9.9 lbs
Mr Kaltag - blue - 11.2 lbs
Ms Koyuk - orange - 11 lbs
Ms Elim - white - 9.6 lbs
Mr Nome - green - 12.3 lbs