Thursday, June 3, 2010

Potty Time in a Downpour

Record rains in May and already three days of record rains in June. Poor puppy has to go outside and squat in soaking grass taller than she is. Poor me out there along with her in the slippers she has chosen as her favorite chew toys and managed to un-thread the seams. We both come in soaked for our efforts. But as wet as I am after the most recent trip, I know I will be wetter from tears in days to come when she is no longer with us. Koyuk will be missed.

Koyuk has learned "leave it" to a treat set in front of her nose; to "touch" a target on command; to sit and wait to be pet or to go in a door and even, finally to lie down to a signal. Her recall is bounding with ears flying. Her unending curiosity has led her to remove all items on lower shelves in my office - a favorite is bubble wrap another is file folders and envelopes. Today she didn't just swipe a sock from the laundry hamper, she grabbed the handle and wheeled the hamper down the hall into the great room for all the dogs to empty. None of the other dogs have ever even imagined such a fun activity.
Koyuk new queen of the landing
Only two more nights of dangling a finger into her crate for her to kiss until we both fall asleep. Only two more still dark, early, morning potty times in a downpour.