Saturday, August 28, 2010

Eugene Celebration

Where else but in Eugene, Oregon would you find a parade celebrating a Slug Queen or U.S. Congressman pushing a "slime scooper" wheelbarrow containing beer for bribing judges? No where.
The Willamette Pass Ski Patrol served as judges for this year's parade. One of my favorites was "Building a Future for the Physically and Mentally Handicap Persons". The entry included about 50 people and was followed up by this couple. The esteemed judges.
The group immediately following this neighborhood group was the "100 Hens". They had 100 hens both real and in costume and danced the chicken dance as they went by. Unfortunately, I was laughing too hard to get a good picture.
The most amazing local entry included children doing the circ du solie hanging acrobatics. Judges took their job very seriously - of course,
bribes did sway the tally a bit.