Sunday, September 26, 2010

3 Dogs, 1 Mouse and a New 20' Septic Hose

I have not blogged in a while. Life around here is still trying to find the "new normal". One outlet for me is hard, physical labor. All of the gardens are getting their winter layering of bark mulch. The orchard has been pruned. Vegetables and fruit have been harvested, canned or frozen and stored. The creek has been been recovered from it's thick covering of blackberries, nettles and horsetail rush. The water fall is almost rebuilt. And a new garden along the creek is in the process of being created. To this end, all of the brambles and joe-pie weed have been removed and large boulders from the woods are being placed. A little humor goes a long way these days. The dogs provided that with gusto a couple days ago. A mouse while being chased by the dogs, mistakenly took refuge in our new motorhome septic hose. The dogs had a field day pursuing the trapped critter. They first hauled the hose from the car port to the side yard. At some point they had a mighty game of tug-a-war resulting in four sections of hose. Actually, I only witnessed the start of the hunt when mouse dashed inside the hose. Later in the day I found the transformed hose in the side yard. Dave saw no humor at all in the incident but I could not keep from laughing. I grabbed my camera and tried a reenactment with treats in place of the wayward mouse.

Innocent Willy.