Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Tree Saga

Dave disapproves of buying a Christmas tree so every year I go on a several hour search for a tree that will work. Our trees are grown for lumber. They grow at least 1' per year thus the branches are 1' apart. A 6' tree is over 6' wide with a trunk of less than 2". They just don't stand up in a tree stand and the widely spaced branches don't hold up to the weight of ornaments.
A couple winters ago, snow took out the top of an ornamental tree in our yard. We cut off the top and allowed the branches to grow up. None was dominant. We now have a stand of 6 awkwardly growing trees. I decided that the one leaning into the road would be my Christmas tree. I don't know what kind of tree this is but it is really bushy and grows all twisty like a tortured willow.
To make the tree stand I had to cut off the back branches and nail it to the wall. Hanging the ornaments was not easy. The branches proved to be very soft. But alas, I have my funky Christmas tree.This morning I got up and found much of the tree already turning brown even though it is taking up a lot of water.
Now I get to undecorate the tree and put up one I found for $7 on a corner lot. To be continued...