Friday, December 31, 2010

Special Visitors

In 1991, Dave and I went to the Seattle area to meet Chinooks. First kiss and it was instant love of the breed but, there was a two year waiting list to get a pup. The Chinook dogs we met were everything we wanted in a dog - even tempered, intelligent, healthy and mid-sized. We left our names at Aspen Creek, Frontier and Rain Mountain kennels. A month later, just as I was heading out for a 5 day, wilderness, backpacking trip with my Camp Fire Group, I received a call that the season's pick female, co-owned by Frontier and Rain Mountain, was available. But, she came with a breed contact. As we hiked the alpine meadows and climbed the Middle Sister, I mulled over the possibility of getting this pup and becoming a breeder. The girls, of course, felt I definitely needed this puppy and by the end of the trip she was named McKenzie after the beautiful chinook (fish) ladened river.

For 8 years, Nonna and I co-led the Camp Fire group. Nonna brought culture. I brought the out-of-doors to our group. The group won the Colgate National Service Award against all youth groups (scouts, 4-H, Camp Fire, YMCA...). They saw Shakespeare plays on the Elizabethan stage at Ashland. They dug and slept in snow caves. They took watercolor portrait lessons from the renowned artist Allen Cox. Annually, they burned Guy "Socks" (Falkes) on a huge bonfire. Every meeting was full of learning and adventure. All of the girls have graduated from college and are in grad school.

One of the last adventures as a group was a sleep-over the night I brought McKenzie to her forever home. McKenzie instantly fell in love with Gwyneth and spent the night on her sleeping bag.
Gwyneth brought her family from the east coast for the holidays. McKenzie has not seen Gwyneth in 8 years. But the attachment is still there.

Gwyneth introducing her son Luther to McKenzie

McKenzie is so happy.

Gwyneth's husband Ted

Luther explored the dogs favorite resting place

Luther would have nothing to do with just sitting on laps. He wanted to play with the dogs. Cedar and Lucas played "peek-a-boo" for several minutes. Cedar would run around behind the couch as Luther speed-crawled in front of it. Upon spotting Cedar, Luther would scream in delight. Cedar and Luther would then turn tail and run/crawl the other way to peek-a-boo around the opposite couch arm.
Along with Gwyneth, Ted and Luther, Nonna brought her mother for the visit. Her mother lives in Wales. They had 5 days of storm delays and traveled through Toronto and San Francisco to get here.
Four generations