Monday, May 16, 2011


I now have two swear words: squirrel and skunk. Last night Dave forgot to close the kennel door after powerwashing. Around 2330 the dogs came in reeking. (I have not been able to smell for weeks. This was not a pleasant reentry into the ofactory world.) The dogs had encountered either a skunk or a civet cat and got the worst end of the experience. Two dog shampoo baths and one Dawn soap bath did not alter the stench. The dogs sleep with us, either on the bed or right next to it. When I finished their bathing, about 0045, I locked myself in the guest bedroom and left the dogs and Dave to our bedroom. Cruel I know but I did not leave the kennel door open. My maneuvers sort of worked. The dogs parked themselves outside the guest room door and whined all night to be with me. Of course neither Dave or I got restful sleep but we both got a bed without skunk smell.

rain rinsed, bleached dog towels

I took Willy and Cedar to class which was not really fair to the other humans but the dogs have missed so many classes with me being sick. Stinky Cedar was isolated from the other dogs during the "down stay'. Even the other dogs turned away.On the way home from class I bought a gallon of tomato juice then did a web search of de-skunking dogs. Apparently tomato juice is a myth. Unfortunately the official recipes state: "keep the mixture away from dog's faces". Well, where do you think they got hit?! SKUNK! and SQUIRREL!