Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Spring Finally Here?

The weatherman keeps promising Spring but Ma Nature has had other thoughts. My vegetable garden still has standing water and waist to head high weeds and grass. I can't even find the hardscaping. The greenhouse is getting overrun with plants needing more root space. On the plus side, I have not had to water; work in cool overcast is better than blazing sun and my Rhodys are about 1 month late so I can enjoy them without going out in pouring rain.

I put on my coat this morning to go outside to take this picture.

This year the Robins think they are swallows are are forgoing trees to nest under cover. This Robin chose to build her nest right over a vent containing a swallow nest.
Five solid hours of running a heavy duty weed eater and the garden is "mowed". The weeds weren't the only thing that took a beating today.An idle hand means an ear needs to be scritched. Willy positioned himself right under my hand as I attempted to take a picture.