Friday, July 22, 2011

Recovered Entry Walk

No one ever uses my front door. A few years ago I even went to the trouble of building a walk way from the drive to the front porch. This month long project involved finding, digging up and transporting large rocks from up in the woods and creating a massive 30' x 5', 3D jigsaw puzzle. The 3D part is the under side of the stones - none of which were anywhere near flat on both sides. Most weighted 15lbs or more. I then planted Corsica mint between the stones. Front door foot traffic did not improve but the curb appeal did (if I only had a curb).

This year has been so wet. The weeds rule all landscaping. Today sun was predicted so I decided to make recovering the entry walk my project.

before When you sit to dig weeds from between stones, your face is the perfect height for dog kisses. With Willow here, I had four Chinooks vying for my attention and trying to help. It has been so long since I have taken a picture in glaring sun, I blew the exposure settings. Trust me, the difference is major.


Besides a lot of Nookies and an inviting walkway, another benefit of today's work is a minty smelling rear.