Sunday, September 11, 2011

Naked Plums

We had blissfully forgotten how little sleep occurs the first night of a dog visit. The dogs are so excited and full of themselves. The visiting dog has different potty habits and I am always unsure if they will go out to the kennel; wait by a door; or just give up waiting and pee wherever. Are they pawing me awake and giving me endless kisses because they need to go out; miss their owner or are glad to be with me? Add to that the fact that Koyuk is in season and horny Willy has totally lost his brain. All night Koyuk would jump on the bed, paw, give kisses and then snuggle down only to be followed by Willy with other snuggling on his mind. Both would summarily get shoved off only to be repeated a few minutes later.

Koyuk Cedar and KoyukDave and I got up exhausted but as this was a slated honey-do day we mindlessly charged through it while the dogs napped in the shade. Our first chore was plum tree pruning.

overgrown plum tree Naked plum tree. Amazing what you can do with a pole saw.Once again the temperature was 90 degrees. We stopped at one plum tree; took a break to cool off; did some less physical chores and later in the day started on the landscaping around the satellite dish. Dave broke into my stash of waterfall-of-my-dreams boulders and moved some to form what will be a camouflage and keep the satellite dish from being backed into parking area garden. In the meadow below is my even much larger burn pile.At the end of the day, the dogs awoke and let us know it was time to head in to dinner. Update on the naked tomatoes: no sunburns yet but some are starting to turn red.