Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Last weekend Cedar and I went to a Kathleen Monje', two day tracking seminar. McKenzie loves tracking so I thought I would try it with Cedar.

There were 6 dogs. Between lectures we took turns laying tracks for each other. Even though the first two levels of tracking titles are done on grass, Kathleen starts dogs tracking on asphalt so they learn to actually track human scent and not just crushed grass.

A track is laid with a spray of water and treats every few inches. The water holds the track layer's scent and the food gets the dog's nose down. Gradually the tracks get longer with the treats further apart. Riley is giving his owner quite a pull as he runs down the line of treats.Gabe is so excited his legs bypass his nose.Cedar took to tracking like a hound. We did six tracks during the two days. Her last track was 20 yards long with treats every 24". Her treats blended in with the forest duff. The track had aged long enough that the water had evaporated. She was so into the game she also pulled to get to and run the treatless, day old, tracks.