Monday, November 7, 2011

Busy Sunday

Sunday started at 0400. After I had gotten my winter gear on, cleaned the kennel, fed the dogs and cat, made the crock pot stew, coffee and breakfast, Dave let me - the one who never willingly does early mornings - know that he had forgotten to change the clocks. I had a spare hour to get ready for the day.
We were up that early to attend the Ski Patrol On-The-Hill training which involved more first aid; search and rescue; general patrol stuff like radio communication, policies and procedures; and ski lift evacuation. Six of the SPYteam members were "injured skiers", "lost skiers" and "stuck on a broken down ski lift for hours in freezing temperatures skiers".

0730 - time for strong coffee, day old bagels and paperworkSPYteam members at the ready

SPYteam "lost skiers" "Injured" SPYteam member being bandaged, "packaged" and made ready for transport (by a former SPYteam member, now patroller)SPYteam member lowered from the ski lift after a very, long, cold wait

piece of cake - where's the hot cocoa? down time between scenariospatrollers lowering SPYteam members from the liftpiece of cake - where's the hot cocoa?
These kids are the best - even worth getting up much too early to work with. The 2011-2012 SPYteam is going to be so much fun and rewarding to work with.