Friday, January 27, 2012


Today McKenzie, Koyuk and I went to dad's for a family meeting with the hospice social worker and nurse. Dad and Iris love the dogs and provide unlimited ear scritches and pats. Before the meeting I asked if anyone would like the dogs to go out to the car. Everyone felt better with them in the room. Koyuk and McKenzie seemed to know this was a stressful occasion. When everyone was gathered for the meeting, they both laid down in the center of the group and no longer bugged for attention. Koyuk's head was on dad's feet and McKenzie mine. What wonderful dogs they are. Koyuk is a puppy yet calmed herself and others. McKenzie is always in tune with my mood and feelings.
Medically, intellectually I know it is time to think hospice for potential comfort care for dad. We all want him to stay at home with Iris. His labs and medical conditions say it is time. Seeing dad and Iris, my heart says - "NO! It isn't time. Go away." His spirit says "NO!" Dad is still very independent and full of life. Daddy-Do still gets bored when not producing or fixing something. Dad impressed the hospice providers with his vigor. On paper he is very near death. In person he looks and acts as if he was 30-40 years younger than his 93 years + 331 days.
When the nurse asked dad about any recent falls he replied: "Well, not long ago Iris and I were in the kitchen smooching and we both closed our eyes..."