Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sled Dog Titles

I have been wanting to put Working Dog - Sledding titles on my dogs for quite some time but never got around to the proper documentation of their pulling adventures. Today I decided to change that and in the process, baring committee DSQ, Willy, Cedar and Koyuk should have a NSD behind their names sometime soon.

Our training road is the old Weyerhaeuser haul road. It is closed off to all motorized vehicles thus is safe to run the rig on. Unfortunately it is paved but the interesting, winding, trail with ups and downs makes up for foot wear and tear. Thus far the tough Chinook pads have suffered no ills.

The red line is 2 miles. Willy is making sure I know it is time to go.barely panting at the 2 mile turn around I wanted to capture a picture of them going under the powerline (easily seen on the Google earth picture) but had to get off the rig to take it. Forget anything I have said about Chinooks not taking off without you. All I got was a picture of the powerline shadow and a brief jog.These guys are pulling to fast for me to safely - my safety not theirs - take pictures while moving. I needed a trails-end picture for the documentation, so I grabbed the camera and just aimed forward when Koyuk was a little slack. a very happy, now un-officially NSD Team Nookies dogs. Our next title requires 100 miles. Stay tuned.