Sunday, June 24, 2012

34 Years

a person is only complete
when they have a true friend
to understand them
to share all their
passion and sorrows with
and to stand by them
throughout their life
~from our vows
Thirty-four years ago, I married the most wonderful man. 
Like today, the day was both raining and sunny. When the clouds parted, we went outside with friends for the ceremony.
 yup - a real hippie wedding

Friday, June 22, 2012

Internet Withdrawal - Gone Sailing

Who knew going without the internet for 3 days would be so hard?  But now I have a shiny new modem.

This was my 35th year teaching sail school. Because of the anticipated litter of Cedar's puppies, I had declined this year. But alas, when asked at the last minute, I could not resist the opportunity to teach sailing on my favorite boat, the Laser. Besides, I could not get on the internet and one can only pull so many weeds.
Twenty students. Eighty degree weather Wind 2 kph. 
A Laser is an Olympic boat and a speedster. Usually such a large class means kids in boats scattered all over the lake by the time everyone gets launched. This year they were scattered about but not quite so far. To "teach" handling skills without letting the kids know they were "learning", we often play games. With this game, we tossed 50 tennis balls and numerous water balloons in the water. The kids collected and tossed balls at the other team. If you were hit, you had to dump your stash. The balloons were just for wet fun. Of course, we tortured the kids with sailing drills too.
I was able to sail my Laser, Sweet Spot, away from all recent stressors for a few hours each day then come home to my excited dogs. Much better than weed pulling therapy.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day cont.

Waiting for Dave to get home to celebrate Father's Day.
Dad's home! Happy Father's Day! 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

My sister had father's day all planned - forever. We were to take dad and Iris to a cabin he had built but hadn't seen in several years then to a "special restaurant" for lunch. Linda's husband became ill and not wanting to possibly pass the cold onto dad, she had to stay home. I have not seen the cabin in over 30 years and didn't have a clue where it was but wonderful Dave drove dad, Iris and myself on the great search. We actually did find the cabin but dad had such a hard time getting in and out of the van, we did not get him out for pictures. As to the restaurant, we never did find it but enjoyed a nice lunch in a small roadside cafe.
Pictures came after we got back to dad's.
 Iris and dad
 McKenzie really loves dad and the feeling is mutual.
 Of course I really love dad too!
 Cedar was hanging with Dave as he took the group picture.
Happy Father's day dad and to my wonderful husband Dave, who had a meeting to get to thus once back home, did not stick around for pictures.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Prayers on the Wind

Tibetans believe that prayers are carried on the wind and become a permanent part of the universe as the flags fade from exposure to the elements.  I find great comfort in that belief. A friend sent me Prayers on the Wind. Today it was time to rebuild the BrownStone graveyard.
When Willie and Cara died we received a wonderful dog sculpture made from rusted garden tools. Tags from all our beloved dogs hang around his neck.
We later found it's feline mate for tags bearing names of our cats.
Cara, Willie, Galena, Nikolai, Willy and the ten Chocolate litter pups along with Pooh and Annie my eternal prayer goes out to you:
"You have gone ahead
And nothing is the same
Leaving paw prints on my heart
That will always remain"
 You were loved. You will always be a part of me.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I live not in myself but become a part that around me.              ~ Walt Whitman. 
Tonight as I sat on the patio, Ma Nature reminded me how miraculous life is. 
This pregnant doe and her buck munching on the tree are a reminder of the cycle of life. 
I do miss Willy and the pups so much, but am starting to be able to again enjoy all the wonder around me. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Nightmare Continues

Yesterday I received a call that Dad had taken a turn for the worse and that I should come. I threw dog food, spare clothes and the dogs into the motorhome and headed north.. Dad rallied after I got there but checking him with the stethoscope, I could hear that he was in pretty severe heart failure. I did not think taking the dogs would be an issue. Dad loves the dogs. They are so stressed away from me right now. They relax at his place and do so well around strangers. That evening I noticed they were chewing on something. When I checked it out, I saw a large tin with blue-green pellets. A while ago Decon had been put out and forgotten. I rushed them to the emergency vet where they spent the next four and a half hours vomiting and drinking activated charcoal. I was up with them most of the night. They will be on Vitamin K for a month. Only time will tell how much damage was done.
Today we put Dad into the hospice system then I came home to snuggle with the dogs and sleep.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

WaHoo Two Plus

To earn the AKC Canine Good Citizen, CGC title a dog must pass ten tests demonstrating good behavior in various situations around humans and other dogs. The ten tests are: accepting a friendly stranger; sitting politely for petting; sitting for the evaluator to brush the coat then examine ears and each foot; walk through a crowd; sit and down on command/staying in place; coming when called; reaction to another dog when approached by a human with a strange dog; reaction to distractions and supervised separation. 

Two weeks ago when Koyuk was scheduled to take the test, she was in critical care fighting for her life. A special testing was held for her last night. I was concerned that both she and I might be too stressed and that she would be too velcro for the 3 minute alone with a stranger separation test. But after a few minutes in class, she was able to focus and went through her paces like a champ. The stranger was indeed a stranger but after she figured out he didn't have any treats, she laid down and closed her eyes as class went on around her. Twenty dogs, including three excited puppies, and handlers in a small room were part of the "mingle" test.  Normally "mingling" (walking on loose leash in a mingling crowd), is done just with humans but her test was done as part of the class. She really wanted to play with the puppies but successfully pulled off mingling.
This was our first outing since everyone became so ill and Willy's death. It feels good to finally be able to start moving on. I am so proud of her for passing.
Yesterday I made the first big garden bouquet

 While picking the flowers, I heard all kinds of primal calls coming from the trees bordering the garden. At first I thought it was a crow mimicking the blue herons but it soon became evident that there was a nest of hungry chicks too. Then I saw the pair of Turkey Vultures flying in and out of the trees. I grabbed my camera with telephoto lens and started my search. 
Somewhere up there is a buzzard nest. 
 Suddenly I was dive-bombed by a very upset raven warning me away from her nest while the upset buzzards screeched overhead

A little research and I now know that turkey vultures nest on the ground. With the pair of foxes living in my barn, I find this hard to believe. I must have been close to their nest while photographing the raven's nest. The insistent chirps of robins and swallows have nothing on the ruckus from these two nests serenading me while I garden.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


When Noah proposed to my niece Amanda he talked the captain of the cruise ship to run up the flags asking: "Amanda, will you marry me". Today he sent out this post.
I'm going to be a Great Aunt again.  

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Slowly but surely we are recovering.  Today was pull weeds while the girls checked trees for squirrels during sun breaks then couch potato during hail and downpours.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Therapeutic Weeding

Once again it is time to tackle the weeds on the front walk.  I can't think of any activity more therapeutic than mindless weed pulling. The girls were quite pleased with me being perfect height for kisses and hugs.  While I worked. the dogs engaged in brief games of Chinook tag. The rules have changed a bit. Rather than lying in ambush, McKenzie just lies. The other dogs leaping over her and changing direction constitutes a tag. Either that or they were just having fun doing zoomies with McKenzie as an on-course hurdle. Even more therapeutic than weeding, is watching the dogs once again run and play with tails wagging. 
It is nap time as I type. Think I'll join them. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Kerstin brought Anna and Lupin (Willy's sister) for a visit to pick-up the pots and bowls from the wonderful meals she had made for us and to forage for landscaping ferns. McKenzie, Cedar, Koyuk, and I were so glad to see Lupin.

While Kerstin, Anna and I gathered the ferns, Koyuk and Lupin gleefully raced about in the woods.

Anna has really grown but not lost the desire to play on the jungle gym truck roof rack.
Anna 2009
I can't imagine how much it must itch to grow back fur on sensitive parts. Poor Cedar is sleeping this morning but did groom all night.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Morning Ritual

The little things are the most difficult. The dogs and I have a long standing morning ritual. I make my coffee. As soon as I push the brew button, the dogs race to their food bowls. Willy was never more silly than waiting impatiently for his food. He would howl and dance, often tripping over and in his bowl. After Kitty was fed, we would go back upstairs where Willy and Koyuk would rush out the back door and race, with Willy excitedly yipping all the way, around the house to catch any squirrel stupid enough not to hear them coming. Meanwhile McKenzie, Cedar and I would go out the front door where they would wait to ambush and tag the others. Rowdy games of Chinook tag would ensue while I cleaned the kennel. Willy and Koyuk would then follow me to where I fertilize the blackberry brambles.  
This morning the dogs waited patiently for food. Koyuk started to rush the back door but did not go through. They all went out the front door and quietly found their potty spot. As Koyuk followed me about, the sun broke through the clouds.  I rushed back to the house for the camera.
 Koyuk is forlorn.
 That little activity wore them out.