Friday, June 1, 2012

Morning Ritual

The little things are the most difficult. The dogs and I have a long standing morning ritual. I make my coffee. As soon as I push the brew button, the dogs race to their food bowls. Willy was never more silly than waiting impatiently for his food. He would howl and dance, often tripping over and in his bowl. After Kitty was fed, we would go back upstairs where Willy and Koyuk would rush out the back door and race, with Willy excitedly yipping all the way, around the house to catch any squirrel stupid enough not to hear them coming. Meanwhile McKenzie, Cedar and I would go out the front door where they would wait to ambush and tag the others. Rowdy games of Chinook tag would ensue while I cleaned the kennel. Willy and Koyuk would then follow me to where I fertilize the blackberry brambles.  
This morning the dogs waited patiently for food. Koyuk started to rush the back door but did not go through. They all went out the front door and quietly found their potty spot. As Koyuk followed me about, the sun broke through the clouds.  I rushed back to the house for the camera.
 Koyuk is forlorn.
 That little activity wore them out.