Friday, October 12, 2012

Shock & Awe

All Ski Patrollers have to renew their CPR and AED training every year. As lead trainer, Dave decided that this year he would add a realistic challenge and fun to the exams. Instead of just arriving and pounding on a naked, plastic Resusci Annie, he wanted them clothed. After cutting off a tee shirt, resuscitators will be faced with a bra which too will have to be removed to place the defibulation pads. I got to go shopping. If you are looking for a 34-36 A cup bra in any of the local St. Vinnies or Good Will, good luck. I bought them out. 

As I was getting another cup of coffee this morning, I looked out to see our maple stump covered with wood peckers. Of course by the time I could grab the camera and make it out the door without excited Chinooks, all had flown off but one female.
 A male landed on a nearby tree. 
 The rest are in the woods.
Nice awe for my morning.