Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What Is It?

I was down in the garden picking my peonys, including this weird,  hybrid, triple-layer one, when I heard a frightened scream.
It wasn't the dogs, but they had cornered something very loud in a retaining wall. I checked to see if I could locate whatever was screaming so. I then went to the house with my bouquet and to grab my camera.
By the time I got back, there was a pair of hawks and a flock of buzzards also interested in the screaming. Unfortunately pictures of them blurred.
Enough with the pictures, what ever it was, with the amount of noise it made, I figured it had to be fairly large and probably had teeth to go with it. Koyuk's nose was in peril of becoming more scared and my retaining was was being disassembled.
Into the house with everyone so the mystery screamer could escape and I could create the first peony arrangement of the season.