Monday, July 29, 2013

Day Five

Agenda for Day 5: sleep, eat, sleep, get toes tickled, eat, sleep, get bath, eat, sleep, be held in various positions, eat, sleep, crawl about, repeat...
Good Morning little ones.
They are growing so fast that there is not much room in the warming-now-holding box. I am going to have to get a bigger box to place them in during linen changes. All have gained at least 6 oz. Mr Red has gained 8 oz.
 Eat, then bath...
This photo is pretty true to their colors. It is also true to the fact that it is impossible to line them up and have them stay long enough for a picture. As usual,  Ms Pink is executing her getaway. Ms Orange and Mr Navy are already across the whelping box. As they get older, their color will change. The top of the head is the best indication of their final color.
 Eat, bath, then bedtime.