Maybe it is just pre-patrum grumpies but I say "enough with the wildlife in my yard". The neighbors complain of the bear and cougars coming from our woods but
around the house it is the deer, fox, coons, moles and voles that cause trouble. I still have not caught my blueberry patch raiders. I figured out that they were reaching under the live-trap to get the food so I put it on a hard surface. They still manage to get all the kibble, marshmallows and Doritos and not get caught. The birds deterrents are also useless. Birds munch while I am picking. I even found a nest in a blueberry bush.
This morning the dogs and I surveyed the deer damage. All of my hanging baskets have been trimmed and one was knocked down. The basket rims are 7' off the porch floor. Walkway flowers are now naked stems. Limbs from my pruning were removed from my trailer, stripped of leaves and left littering on the ground.
My once beautiful umbrella shaped Japanese maple is now a pom tree.
One of the pom-pom trees is now a pom tree.
I was going to re-prune after the trees quit blooming.
Stomach dragging Koyuk is not into chasing deer or anything else at this time.

Actually I love that I live amongst wildlife but they could choose another place to eat.