Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day 11 - Outdoor Excursion

Everyday the puppies are given new sensory experiences. Today they took their first trip outdoors.
Koyuk made sure they were all safe during transport.
Dave carried them to Koyuk's favorite shady spot. I tipped the basket and out they came.
Unsure of the new tactile and olfactory sensations, they formed a puppy pile.
 McKenzie soon joined the group.
Within minutes they were on the move into the warmer sunshine. 
Grandmother Cedar helping corral the little ones.
Koyuk pushed them into a pile she could keep tabs on them.
Her efforts didn't work. Navy Boy was the first to go exploring, quickly followed by Mr Green and Ms Yellow. Ms Silver really surprised me. She took off running in her own direction.
Once they got several feet from Koyuk, I snatched them back for her to count and groom.
Eight blind Nookies checking out their new world.
Dave packed them up and was escorted back to the whelping box by anxious Koyuk.
 Home again, exhausted and not a peep coming from the whelping box