Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day 24 - Paper Switched to Grass

Koyuk and I are up every 2 hours for about 1/2 hour all through the night fattening up these little guys.
At 0730 they snuggled back to sleep when I started my day.
I got the bright idea that we could all move outside. In theory I could get some sleep because I wouldn't have to change the bedding with each feeding. Oh well, best laid plans but. it was fun watching everyone all day.
My view from the hammock. Not bad at all!
 The puppies' day consisted of: eating;
 and sleeping.
 Not much different from any other day. Eating;
 yeah, noisy playing;
 sleeping while playing;
and back to eating.
 Being super cute while playing;
a couple solid food meals;
 cuteness times three;
playing with grandmother Cedar;
 and sleeping.
I did fall asleep briefly at one point but was rudely awakened by Koyuk spilling me to the ground on top of Cedar and McKenzie who were asleep under the hammock. "Your turn to feed the kids!"