Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 30

Not a puppy but also fun to photograph...
 Karmin brought her friend Carle to see the puppies.
We moved the the puppies out to where they had more room to roam. While Karmin did puppy pedicures and Carle put puppies through various positions, Koyuk provided a leisurely afternoon snack.
Poor Koyuk wants to play with her puppies but all they see is the milkbar. I tried a thundershirt on her but it fell short of doing the task and got a "no-way" look from her mom, Cedar.
Able to make a quick escape, Koyuk joined the puppies during their afternoon meal.
Gruel as a fashion statement.
 After eating, Loowit wandered over to Karmin and fell sound asleep in this uncomfortable looking position.
 Soon Karmin had a puppy blanket.