Monday, January 27, 2014

Life Indoors & Ears

After the long run yesterday, I kept the (very bored) dogs inside - 64, too-long, toe nails clicking everywhere I went.
The landing where I totaled my ankle, now impassable.
How did they know it was nap time? McKenzie was also on the bed until I went for the camera.
Though still very sore, my ankle did feel stable enough to haul in the 16' ladder and take down the last of Christmas. As long as I was up there, I redecorated the mantel with a winter theme in hopes we still will see winter before next fall. Not my most artistic effort but my ankle was telling me "enough with the trips up and down the ladder. You still have to haul it back outside and the decorations up to the attic".
Silly Willy was known for his funny ears. An artist even begged me to let her paint his head. 
Trask has a new twist on creative ear sets. Looking through yesterday's pictures, I picked out a few fun poses.
He can hear 'em coming and going.
The collie top flip-forward fold.
The dual comb over.
"I can't hear you."
"Now I can!"
"Wait, there's something behind me."
Trask - Mr Cool
A perfect 10 score: The turned backward, tip forward, flip flop.