Thursday, January 16, 2014

Where is the Snow?

Where is the snow? Ma Nature teased us back in early December but all has been barren since. Another week of foggy inversion is predicted. Freezing in the valley and warm and sunny in the mountains. I have done all the snow conjuring tricks I know of and then some: PJs inside out - check; sacrifices to Uller - check; severely sprain ankle - check; gotten out gardening tools and started to work in garden - check; forgotten to take skis in to be tuned - check; sand and varnish sleds after sledding season was slated to start - check.
I was going to take these pictures yesterday but it was so foggy I could barely see the sled and dogs from the distance I needed for the shot. Today the ground is still frozen solid but the fog has lifted a bit.
Trask was not into holding still but before I hobbled off to chase him, I got a couple pictures.
My new-to-me, rebuilt and finished, guest sled and my shiny, re-varnished Risdon all ready for snow.
 Koyuk helped me chase down Trask.
Trask was worn out enough after his game of "hide-and-seek-keep-away" to tie him to the sled for a fast shot before he drug it across the yard. He has gotten so big (47.7 lbs) and is so strong. I can't wait for the snow to see what he really can do.
So Where is the Snow?