Sunday, April 27, 2014

Finally Got Brave (and Brakes)

My Chinooks are the ultimate couch potatoes except in harness where they turn into strong, determined, speed daemons. I have to admit that I have been quite nervous about running Ferrari, my dog rig, since my terrifying spill after the brake cable on my new disc brakes broke. The bike co-op stated that they had never heard of, let alone seen, a broken brake cable until I brought Ferrari back to them. They not only replaced the cable but installed a back-up set of traditional bike brakes. All I needed was the doctor's clearance that I could run and the nerve to actually put my body at risk again. I got the former and tested the latter. With Dave home to pick up the pieces, I took off.
One "hike" and they were off...
 airborne in their excitement.
 We flew...
 and made it around the first corner.
 A mile and the hills later they were still flinging gravel and mud.
By the time we got back home, Cedar was in the lead; Trask provided the power; Koyuk was still running and I was all smiles.
How could I ever deny Team Nookies the opportunity to mush?