Sunday, May 18, 2014

Week in Review

The week before last it poured here. Dave was at a meeting in the mid-west. Friday the storms moved east as Dave flew west. Dave: "I got out of there just in time." Tornadoes delayed his flights by 10 hours and he just made it through Denver before 3 foot of snow fell. By Saturday it was sunny and hot here. Dave was anxious to mow the lawn which had grown considerably while he was gone. Kay Lee: "the garden still has standing water. I sink in the mud when I walk." We: discussed how the ditch system we had dug last fall had failed to keep the garden dry.
After getting stuck the past two years, Dave has strict instructions to stay out of the garden with his monster Kobota mower. Being below the water table, deep ditches from those adventures hold standing water much of the summer. 
He could not resist the challenge of mowing knee high grass. Once again my tractor came to the rescue.
Much of my week was spent with me in muck boots weed-eating the rest of the garden while the dogs enjoyed the spring sunshine.
Lupin brought her family for a visit and excess plants from the greenhouse. Getting all five Chinooks to sit still for a photo proved impossible...
a visit from the girls and Lupin is just too exciting.
Mom McKenzie with adoring Lupin
The weather was in the 80's and the pond an attractive distraction. The girls were almost pushed in by the attention seeking dogs.
After the really fun interlude, it was back to pulling weeds, rototilling and planting.
The rains have returned. Today, Trask and I entered the local humane society's Bark In The Park 2.5 K Fun Run-walk-drag with a team from his CGC class and another 1000+ dogs.
Trask has never been to the park thus has never experienced so many interesting smells. He even stopped to smell the roses...
 and reluctantly sat for a posed picture.
Trask has also never seen so many kids, human legs or dogs.
He impressed me with his wonderful, easy, sociability (even the crouching TV camerawoman got a surprise kiss as she looked through the lens). I impressed everyone with my sustained strength while holding on the leash throughout the event.