Monday, July 7, 2014

Enough Computer Time

As I aimed up the stairs to check FB and e-mail I was met by a formidable pair blocking my way. McKenzie on her Queen Dowager landing spot and Trask on the stair below.  Neither easily moved or stepped over.
 My aiming up the stairs anyway forced McKenzie to be more graphic: "Time to go to bed!"
Not deterred, I went up anyway. The dogs followed to lounge on the office dog couch while I typed away. I went down for a glass of wine and found Cedar manning the landing when I headed back upstairs.
"Come on. If you couldn't take a hint from McKenzie, here's mine."
(These guys really do work together be it: "get up!"; " meal time"; "what can we do for a treat?"; or "time to go for a run."  They take turns bugging me).
Blog post created. Wine finished. Koyuk already warming my side of the bed. I think I will follow the Nooks advice and head for bed.