Thursday, July 17, 2014

Kids, Dogs and Water

I invited Kerstin and the girls up to chase around with the dogs in anticipation of my niece coming from Nevada with her family. Since the dogs frightened my great niece during her visit last summer, I wanted to make sure they were well socialized to running, screaming kids - and I wanted to see Kerstin and the girls again. It has been way too long since they last visited.
 Anna running with Trask.
The temp was in the 90's. After the initial, excited chase, the dogs immediately headed for the back pond to cool off.
The girls decided the back pond was too muddy so they headed for the large front pond.
Of course you can't be beside a pond on a hot day without taking a dip.
Lupin watching over her girls.
Trask decided that swimming after Anna would be great fun. I have never seen him swim that far and he actually swam out several times.
While everyone dried off, Trask tried his bubble-net fishing technique in the big pond. Again no luck.
I can't wait to share the dogs and ponds with my niece and her family. And, I can't wait for Kerstin and the girls to come again. This promises to be a long, hot summer and I have the perfect place to cool off while the dogs run free.