Thursday, July 24, 2014

Very Special Guests

I am so lucky. My niece Amanda from Nevada included a stop here during her family vacation. Last summer Trask suckled on Keegan's toes...
this year Keegan's cheeks were the perfect height. Trask couldn't get enough. He was forever sneaking kisses.
After unpacking the van, Noah with Keegan and me with Cadence headed for a quad trip to see the logging equipment. Heavy rain in the morning made for muddy and sometimes challenging driving.
These kids are in LOVE with big machines.
 Dad, Noah, helping the kids down.
The earth mover.
Keegan and Cadence had a blast pushing buttons and pulling leavers. It was a good thing the key wasn't in place or they would have had the big tractor on a roll.
While the kids "logged", the dogs checked for food possibly left by the actual loggers.
Keegan helping his dad drive the quad through the new oak savannah.
Trask joining in the family picture being taken by Cadence.
 This family needs a quad.
We picked berries for desert while dad cooked us lunch.
 Amanda with their foster baby.
 I really do need to weed and mow the garden.
Koyuk was on the lookout for unattended berry buckets. Between everyone eating berries as they were picked and the dogs raiding the low-to-the-ground buckets carried by the kids, not that many berries made it back to the house.
Tractor time. Siblings sharing the tractor seat was fine for pictures but squabbles for control of the wheel made it unsafe for movement.
A quick family picture and...
 Cadence was off.
Cadence drove by herself all the way from in front of the house to the pond and only very reluctantly gave the seat up to Noah and Keegan.
 After a short ride to turn the tractor around, Cadence resumed solo driving.
She did consent to picking up her family for a short ride and picture as she drove back by the pond.
This family needs a tractor.
At this point, Keegan was quite determined that he should be driving something so he was moved to the quad while Cadence expertly parked the tractor in the barn.
How well I remember Amanda, not much older than her daughter Cadence, driving the tractor. I am so glad her family finds the same joy and excitement.