Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas Card Photo Saga

Last Sunday was to be Christmas card photo day. Sled on van - check. Red coats, harnesses and Santa hats in van - check. "Not even a tiny patch of white anywhere and raining" call from Dave up at the ski area. Take picture of disappointed dogs and van before unloading sled, coats, hats and harnesses - check.
Yesterday, I was determined to get a Christmas card photo. I re-loaded the sled, harnesses, coats, hats, camera, dogs and Dave into the van and headed off to the highest place we could drive to in the local Cascade mountains - the Willamette Pass Ski Area. I had arranged to meet up with Tule Loowit and her family.
"TULE IS HERE!"  The dogs were ecstatic when we arrived and could care less about the lack of snow. They were free to run, play and explore together.
Tule picking on her brother Trask
While Sarah, Greg and Dave were conducting Ski Patrol candidate training, the dogs led me up the hill in search of a Christmas tree.
 This is not snow. It is hoarfrost but it is white. Trask was beside himself with excitement at being in harness.
Try as hard as they might, Team Nookies could not make the sled go.  Of course Dave standing on the brakes hindered their progress - and saved the runner surface.
Can't beat 'um - join 'um.
 Snuggle Boy Trask
Now that's a handsome team and driver.
Next was Tule, Sarah, and Greg's turn. Tule Loowit figured out right away that it would be easier to ride on the sled than pull it.