Monday, December 1, 2014

Last November Pond Run

Yesterday, November 31, was in the low 20's. I decided to change up the exercise routine and take the dogs for a run to the back pond. The dogs flew in the cold weather. Taking pictures while wearing winter gloves and racing along proved almost futile
 The skim of ice on the pond did not stop the dogs from playing in the water.
I finally coerced them into posing for a picture...
which of course means a Pavlovian response as soon as the camera clicks.
Then it was back into the water.
 Trask blowing bubbles.
Happy Nooks back on the trail toward home.
I love Trask's ears.
 The trip back included more exploring.
Without the visibility vests, the three dogs would disappear just feet of the trail.
It was cold enough to see Cedar's breath; freeze the camera shutter and put my gloves on for the remainder of the trip home.
Today, December 1, we awoke to deep hoarfrost covered with freezing rain which quickly turned into a ceaseless deluge of pouring rain at 34 degrees. The dogs spent their day alternating between playing Chinook tag in the rain and lounging by the fire. I took advantage of the dismal weather by putting up holiday decorations.