Wednesday, June 17, 2015

New Title for Koyuk

Koyuk is now:
"PR" BrownStone Iditarod Koyuk, CGCU, CGCA, CGC, TT, WSD.
Today Koyuk was the first Chinook to earn a CGCU (Urban Canine Good Citizen) and part of the first full class in the nation to earn the title.
One of the exam items was riding an elevator or taking steps under control. I knew she would have no problems with taking steps so decided to test her on the elevator before we went to class (we do not have access to an elevator in class).  Poor girl.  The elevator door closed as I was taking a documentation picture.  The elevator went up. I hollered to the person up stairs to ignore it and brought it back down to me. I did not get a picture of Koyuk rapidly exiting the elevator. (You are supposed to ride with your dog.) She took the step test during the actual exam.
Highlights of the test were maintaining a 5 minute down-stay in a business lobby.  During this exam, the soccer team came through still kick-dribbling their balls. The staff of the rec center, while holding a bag of food, pet each dog. The dogs also had to walk by and ignore food on the sidewalk and outdoor eating area; navigate street crossings; walk on a variety of surfaces; and ignore city distractions when walking.
Koyuk with proud me after receiving our ribbon and certificate.
Our class picture. (I was so anxious about the exam, I forgot to take my regular camera and had to use my phone.)
 "Mom, can we go home now?"
I am so proud of Koyuk. She has not been in obedience class for years but has successfully completed the Advanced Canine Good Citizen and now Urban Canine Good Citizen. These are not easy exams.