Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year's Day

Vineman and Topydog say "What is a Happier New Year than one that brings snow?"
Today I was invited to a neighbor's New Year's Party. I took some pictures as I walked the 1/2 mile to their house.The woods have a different look. The snow partially covers the ice damage.
 Our gate post wreath decorated with snow.
Three inches of snow do not a trail make. The dogs would love the extra traction bare gravel would give them but there is no way I am running while carrying a sled up hill. We'll wait until this stretch is covered.
 Topydog ready to cheer Team Nookies on when we finally get the sled on the road.
 The house in a New Year Winter Wonderland.
We drank cider and made beeswax candles at the neighborhood party. I was hesitant to bring my 5 candles home knowing Trask might see them as a special feast. I hooked them on a ceiling-high hook when I came in the door. Before I could get my coat off, Trask was scheming how to get to them.
 He was soon joined by Koyuk.
 All the dogs were let out at that point.
What fun to see 13 y/o Lupin join 10 y/o Cedar, 6 y/o Koyuk and 3 y/o Trask in rowdy games of Chinook Tag.
Without knowing, it would be hard to tell how old each dog is.
Snowing again as I type. Can't wait to see what day two of 2017 will bring.