Monday, May 1, 2017

Earth Day March For Science

Vineman ready for Earth Day March for Science.
Earth Day March for Science Eugene Oregon. What a difference 47 years make. This year I sat on a comfy bench, under a flowering cherry tree, behind the stage where our Congressman Peter DeFazio talked about the current anti-science/environment tenor or Washington DC.
Over 2,000 participants.
Forty-seven years ago I was with him when UofO held the very first Earth Day. We hundred or so "environmentalists" were deemed such a threat that the National Guard was called to squelch our Earth Day Celebration. A flying wedge of gas masked guardsmen followed canisters of tear gas down the street (1/2 block from where I was sitting this year) with shields and batons. Peter did not mention the police intervention of that first Earth Day as he thanked our honor guard of local police. But DeFazio's message was clear and shared by the 2,000+ participants: it is vital that the government support science and the environment. 
Our Honor Guard
I took a short cut, missing about 4 blocks of marching to catch the view as people went by.
 They kept coming...
 and coming...
 I joined the march after about 15 minutes of watching people walk by.
One of the things that impressed me was that most of the marchers were older than college age - many were my contemporaries. Most were scientists and health professionals.