Friday, June 16, 2017

Koyuk IS With Puppy

"PR" BrownStone Iditarod Koyuk, CGC, CGCA, CGCU, TT, NSD, RN (Koyuk) is 29 days pregnant.
We couldn't stand not knowing and since my vet finally got an ultrasound machine, we made a quick peek confirmation appointment.
She has had morning sickness for a three days - right on time and a sure sign. To supplement her not eating and increase her protein intake, I have added a hard boiled egg to her diet. I did learn the hard way that the egg needs to be eaten in the morning - urpy mom or not. Koyuk starts out her night as close to me as possible and with her head on my shoulder. At some point during the night she flips around, head to to bottom of the bed, but still stretched out against me. Egg farts are sleep disruptors.
Not happy to be at the vet and on the scale - she has actually lost 1 lb from not eating kibble.
In the tiny Ultrasound room. Koyuk is phenomenally strong and was not at all willing to be wedged onto her back on the exam pillow. We finally got her placed and quick wand passes showed at least 3 pups in each horn though there are probably more. She was not up to a slow examination to identify each whelp.
 Two of the little whelps.

Now to the store to get her high protein puppy food, cottage cheese and more eggs.