Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Day 14 Centennial litter

Darwin had it right when he said "puppies evolved from sea creatures". Well maybe a slight misquote but you wouldn't know it watching the Chinook Centennial pups. Their first ambulation was akin to a seal flipper crawl. Their cry is distinctly "seagull" and now they saunter around like sailors home from a long voyage. They have reached a milestone and are today were mostly getting around standing on all four legs.
Washington is still a little wobbly but manages to cruise about.
Of course when no one can see, there are the inevitable traffic jams...
resulting in seagull cries of distress that bring mom running.
Sleeping brothers make noisy speed bumps.
 Collision in the corner.
 Kate pushing her way over and out.
Mastering walking is hard, hungry work. The pups are not only eating every hour, Koyuk has increased her food intake to every two hours.
 Koyuk looks at me all doe-eyed after each feeding as if pleading for her bag bomb slathering.
All this eating gives me plenty of photo ops of the busy milkbar.
Often Koyuk's kibble a al'mode meal coincides with the puppies'.
The milkbar is getting mighty crowded.
 Milk-drunk sailors.
No need to worry about keeping the house warm enough for the puppies. The temperature reached 100 degrees outside - 108 predicted for tomorrow - an all time high for our area. Add high winds and line-drying whelping box laundry is amazingly quick and efficient.
Koyuk is not happy seeing her little ones in the basket during linen changes.
 Trask and Cedar are also concerned about the vocal pups.
Trask overseeing that all is once again tidy and well.
Sleep periods have become shorter. With her rampted up feeding schedule, I suspect that neither Koyuk or I will get sound sleep tonight. Unlike the little ones today.
Kate zonked after pushing her brothers around.
 joined by Treadwell
 Arthur, Washington and Kate
 Byrd with Arthur as a pillow
Washington on a mom-double mattress.
Koyuk is doing her best to remove my hand from the keyboard and go downstairs to feed her -NOW!
Good night from BrownStone Chinooks.