Monday, August 14, 2017

Day 27 Chinook Centennial Litter Pup-date

Well I crashed last night but still had my every 4 hour wake-up: paw-your-head-until-you-get-up-to-feed-me from Koyuk.
Today the weather was really wonderful. This morning I got up early - thanks to Koyuk - and disregarded the fire danger ban. I mowed the pup-den and future pup-den areas. Another long, hot spell is predicted. I wanted to knockdown  and remove the weed forage in the puppy areas. Once everything was again set-up, I moved the pups outside for the day.
Breakfast alfresco. I could not keep Koyuk out of the Pup-pen cafe. She proceeded to eat a bulk of the puppy gruel.
 Treadwell not treading so well as he navigates the feeding trough.
If you want a bath from mom, be sure to get puppy gruel all over not only your face.
Washington washed and ready to go.
One last clean-up of the feeding trough earned Koyuk attempts to raid the milkbar.
Later I was upstairs still trying to deal with videos when I heard an extraordinarily loud commotion from the Pup-pen. Sure enough a wayward puppy was leading a frantic chorus. Byrd the adventurer had managed to escape and could not get back in. I had hoped to get at least 2 days out of the raised barrier. Not...
like their mother and brother Trask, these guys are Houdinis.
I need to keep the exit low enough for Koyuk and the other dogs to get in but high enough to keep the little ones from escaping. Plan C - a towel stretched tight. I also added a lounge for me to try to nap while I enjoyed puppy play.
Lunch. The puppies are getting the hang of he-who-hesitates may loose out.
Kate is never one to hesitate.
I threw some old toys into the Pup-pen. Kate always-first-to-try-anything, immediately picked up frog and began carrying it around.
 Soon frog was a tug toy.
 Duck became a favorite of Washington.
Koyuk decided that since I was running about making puppy food and doing prep and trough dishes, the lounge was hers.
Puppies at play. We had one couple here for puppy breath. They came with promises of grandchildren for puppy socialization opportunities.
Mom Koyuk close, comfortable and not really concerned. She is almost as worn out as I am but she gets the nap.
After dinner a al'mom, the puppies crashed for the day and were soon moved back inside.