Saturday, August 26, 2017

Day 39 - The BIG Move

The puppies now have a 110' diameter Pup-corral in the orchard. It was getting a bit dusty (lawn free of grass) and confining in the Pup-pen.
The build and move was later in the day. First we had more company. After a night of a neighbor dog on the loose prompting phone calls, searching cars and barking dogs throughout the night, by morning, I was in need of strong coffee.  Other than the pups loudly joining the howl-in during the commotion they slept through the rest of the night.
Breakfast has become an agility sport.
 Martha spent the night and provided puppy cuddle time while I consumed coffee.
The puppies have never had free range time with the older dogs. We took them out two at a time to be terrorized by socialize with the older dogs.
Trask, Cedar and Koyuk ganging up on Washington while Byrd watches from a safe distance.
Now Byrd's time to learn about dogs bigger than he is.
Oh course Trask doesn't have a clue how big he is. All he wants to do is play...
or see how much of a puppy body he can fit in his mouth.
 Morning lovin' after trauma.
 Next came Jordan and Anna bearing gifts.
 Trask immediately absconded with porcupine.
 Arthur found crab his size.
Crab has enough legs for three to tug and carry.
The real question was "would Nemo be too big for the little ones?" Nope, Arthur had no problem dragging him around.
After about an hour of prancing with it, Trask reluctantly gave up his prize.
While others were making the most of their new toys, some still found fascination with my camera strap and shoe.
 A brother's tail, though not as cool as crab or Nemo, is always a handy tug toy.
Cafe Pup-pen with yummy, just picked blackberry and peach, still warm pie. What a treat!!!!
It was 90 degrees so the girls decided to help cool off the puppies while I finished my pie and before I could hose them down.
Koyuk is interested in the goings on in the Pup-pen but is protective of the tender milkbar.  She gives her motherly attention through the x-pen wall.
 Girls and puppies.
A. learned to drive my tractor and helped me bring lumber to the Pup-corral. For someone who had never driven before, she did an amazing job negotiating tight spots, backing and corners.
Her legs are long enough to operate the brake so I pretty much gave her full control of the tractor while I operated the bucket.
Thanks to Kerstin, A. and K., the Pup-corral is complete.
The puppies have a huge shady space to run and play.
Sagging walls are a potential problem. Especially since Koyuk and Trask choose to go over rather than use the gate. Koyuk's previous litter quickly figured out how to also go over the walls. These guys have a little growing to do before I have to engineer a more secure place.
 Trask LOVES the puppies...
as long as they don't try to nurse on him. However he is clueless as to his size in relation to the little ones and frequently sends them rolling away like bowling pins.
 Pup-corral cafe. Life is good for humans and canines alike.
Crab was dropped mid-dash to the milkbar.
 Dinner at Cafe Pup-corral...
 can be an athletic event.
Poor Arthur was drug around by his hind end during the eating frenzy.
He finally gained four-on-the-floor clear around the feeding trough.
 Nursing too is a contact sport. Three on one side...
 and three on the other.
 I am looking forward to watching the puppies play and grow in their new, larger play space. If only I can keep them in there.
Tomorrow morning: coffee and blackberry/peach pie at Cafe Pup-Corral.