Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Flu/Pneumonia Sucks and More Musings

I don't know whether it was spending 6 days in an unheated medical floor, hospital room with nurses running around in down coats (it was in the 20's outside) while caring for Dave. Or 3 hours in a crowded, hacking DMV office waiting to renew my drivers licence. But I, who has never missed a flu shot, spent three weeks feeling like a truck ran over me, with fever, chills and near continual cough in a house without heat all the while continuing to care for Dave at home. My birthday was a bust. Neither Dave or I wanted to get out of bed any more than we had to, let alone celebrate.
The dogs and kitten Jake kept me with company and warmth - abet relegated to the very edge of the bed.
Jake, named after the male star in the movie Avatar for his yellow eyes, peaked ears and continual leaps of faith.
Image result for avatar
Jake received numerous baths from Koyuk and..
provided hours of on-bed entertainment.
My sister and brother-in-law came down for a belated birthday dinner this weekend. I am now starting on the mend and computer again. Then again, it is stormy outside with pouring rain and high winds. A warm bed with my pawed family is sounding better than catching up on social media in a cool room with a kitten enamored with the computer cursor.
Must be nap time.