Monday, January 16, 2023

Neko Harbor - Wildlife

"Neko Harbor has been classified as an important bird and biodiversity area by BirdLife International because it supports a breeding colony of more than 250 breeding pairs of Gentoo penguins that nest on a hill near the beach to avoid risk of being washed away by large waves frequently generated from the calving of the nearby glacier. Southern Giant Petrels and South Polar Skuas also nest there. The area is also used by Weddell seals, which frequently haul out to rest." ~Wikipedia

The glacier forms a cove next to Neko Harbor beach (the brown horizontal line). Calving from this glacier created the icebergs in this part of Andvord bay. Calving was quite frequent while we were there.

The hiking trail up to the colony.
Newly calved ice between us and the beach. 

Icebergs are no problem for Captain Martin. Another short commute to shore.
With the threat of glacier, calving-waves washing the beach, we had to quickly cross and work our way up the "steps" cut into the ice bank. A Weddell seal was resting near our staging area at the top of the stairs.
Once on top of the cut bank, getting to the colony view area involved post-holing through thigh deep slush and Gentoo guano. A few feet and my knee said "you have seen penguins". It turned out to be a great decision. I got to go iceberg sightseeing and clearing ice away from ship loading doors while riding for about an hour on a zodiac. From out in the bay we were able to see numerous avalanches and glacial calving.
Gentoo paths to and from the colonies.
It didn't take many trips for the human staircase to disappear. The penguins also used the easier way up and down.
Weddell seal taking in the sun. I do not have a clue how he got up here.
Commuting penguins
This guy just came down slope and really needs a bath.
The water was crystal clear and shallow, thus diminishing the threat of a Leopard seal in the bathing area.
Stretching Weddell seal

"Mom, I'm coming!"

The Weddell seals seemed totally unaffected by our nearness.
Chick almost done molting.