Friday, January 28, 2011

Yard Litter

The yard is once again littered with agility equipment. I was inspired by returning to class and the 62 degree weather we are having.
The dog walk is temporarily set up on saw horses. I need to re-train the difference between the dog walk and teeter. Both look the same to the dog as they approach them. The angle and board size are the same. On the teeter, the dog must pause until the board pivots. In class, Willy did not have any problems with the teeter but got onto the dog walk, paused 1/2 way up and nothing happened. Watching him, it was obvious that to him the dog walk was a broken teeter - it did not pivot. He jumped off rather than go on up. I am gradually re-introducing him to the dog walk by increasing the height thus angle of the board. When we get to full height, I will reintroduce the teeter and make sure he has name recognition for both. He did not have any problems with either obstacle when last in class months ago. I anticipate the process will go quickly.

The jumps are a pattern to get him to comfortably work away from me. He is so fast, I will need him to work on both verbal and signal directionals when he is running. McKenzie would not work at a distance but I could keep up with her.