Friday, February 4, 2011

Agility Dog Walk

Carpenters must have a lot of tricks that I don't have a clue about. If not, based on my speed of building the dog walk supports, our houses would take months just to frame. The dog walk surface must be 48" from the ground. I made my previous supports on a sawbuck design. They were always a bit unstable and were falling apart.
There are no patterns for wooden supports. I had to make up my own. The supports can't stick out so far the handler trips on them. Out came the protractor and pencil. My guess was that I wanted 22 1/2 degree angles. I knew the height on the triangle. My problems were to figure out how long to make the legs (the slope) and what angle the bottom of the legs needed to be cut. My geometry lessons were in the middle of the last century.
I can proudly say that my supports make the top of the dog walk exactly 48 inches off the ground. They are screwed together, thus very solid. I probably should have made the top of the supports wider but I only had so much, scrap, treated lumber (and I wanted to be able to lift 'um).
Cedar approves