Thursday, February 24, 2011

Finally Real Snow!

I was beginning to think the weathermen were wrong again. A storm was predicted to start yesterday but we just had a dusting by midnight. This morning the dogs would not let me sleep in. They spotted the 5" on the ground and wanted to play - now! Who needs sleep when there is snow?
a very happy Silly Willy
My snowballs weren't coming fast enough. McKenzie caught snowflakes on her own.

Willy's turn to be "it"

Cedar ready to pounce

regal McKenzie
BrownStone Chinooks in their element
In between picture uploads, which are taking about 1/2 hour each, I have been doing snow chores. The snow is now shoveled off the kennel roof. The emergency supply of water is in. The wood stove is stoked and the dogs are resting on the hearth.
Another inch has been added while I waited for the uploads. Time to get out the dog sled and do a newspaper run.