Monday, February 21, 2011

Not Enough Ice Cream

Other than the beautiful sunshine, the day has not really improved (see previous post).
the same trees shown covered in snow on Saturday's post
I need to re-charge my dead battery and can not for the life of me open the hood latch on the van. Yes - I did try everything I could imagine with the latch but no luck. The van book says to "unlatch it". Big help. After a hour of pushing, lifting, pulling and another Skinny Cow, I broke down and tried our auto repair guy. No help. I had already tried countless times all his suggestions. I then tried the Chevy dealer repair shop. Yes, I know what the latch is and had already countlessly tried all his suggestions. I then went online to see if I could buy a new latch thinking that I could see what exactly the hook looked like and what it was latched on. Yes, I could buy one but no pictures. Nor did they tell me how I could replace it if I could not open mine in the first place. Another Skinny Cow. Then I remembered that we have a solar battery charger in the motor home. Not much help since the van is in the east facing garage but worth a try.

Breaks between frustrating attempts to get the latch unhooked included running the dogs to the mailbox (oh yea - it is a holiday and there is no mail); another round of dog baths; working in the greenhouse; rewashing the load of whites; bringing in wood; splitting kindling and doing agility with the still stinky dogs. I am going on only 4 hours of sleep and a diet of ice cream (which I am now out of). Not one of my better days.