BrownStone Chinooks is devoted to fostering the excellent health and wonderful temperament of Chinook dogs. Hard-working Chinooks excel in many activities such as agility, obedience, back yard play, hiking, dog powered sports, search and rescue, and as service dogs. The affectionate Chinook is an excellent family dog matching its activity level to that of its companions - be it strenuous exercise or snuggling on the couch.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Therapy Nooks

Since dad's death I have often felt overwhelmed - at times felt immobile. This has been the summer of losses. First my beloved Willy and the 10 pups, then Dan followed a week later by Joyce and then Daddy-do. Grief is a weight I find nearly unbearable.
The dogs, including guest Lupin, are ever aware of my mood even when I try to hide it. I am followed everywhere and constantly nudged to cuddle. Unspoken, they make sure I am never alone. Dogs don't tell you how you should feel or what you should do. They accept what is. I find comfort in their unjudging nearness.         McKenzie, Cedar, Koyuk, Lupin