The entire BrownStone pack benefits from Trask's efforts.
He is up for the challenge of the ever increasing height of the branches.
McKenzzie seems to be letting him know he has forgotten some.
No problem.
Along with the fruit tress in the back, the dogs also raid the espalier orchard in the garden. I so thoughtfully pruned those trees for perfect canine picking. The dogs are so into eating the fruit, I really wonder if any pears or apples will actually stay on the branches to ripen. Blueberries and strawberries are also favorite treats to be plucked.
Yesterday I canned 28 quarts of peaches then left them on the counter to cool. This morning, only because I also leave the camera on the counter, was I able to photograph Trask in the act of figuring out that he could pull on the towel to gain access to the jars of fruit. "LEAVE IT!!!"
Camera down - jars moved off towel and out of reach.